
Kitchen Renovation

What You Need To Know About Kitchen Renovations Ottawa

Kitchen renovations are some of the most popular home renovation projects. As you know, the kitchen is the heart and soul of your home. While kitchen renovations are a good project to take on, they can sometimes be rife with problems and unnecessary expenses. With the right planning, you can avoid this. At Gordmay kitchen renovations Ottawa, we recommend that you consider the following points before you start looking for contractors to complete your kitchen renovation.

Consider Your Lifestyle

Ideally, when you install a kitchen, you want it to last for at least a decade, if not more. For this to happen, you need to choose the right materials. We encourage our clients to consider their lifestyle and just how much they actually use their kitchens. If you’re the kind of person who would spend days cooking and baking with kids and experimenting with recipes and dishes, you might need a kitchen that would withstand that kind of wear.

Consider the Size and Layout

Renovations are the ideal time to upgrade your kitchen’s size and layout. For example, if you’ve been keen on installing a new countertop or adding an extra oven, etc, now would be the time to consider it. If your family has grown over time and the demands on your kitchen have grown as well, you might want to consider owning a kitchen that can accommodate these changes.

Your Budget

According to leading kitchen design suppliers, an average 10% of your home’s overall value is a safe amount to budget when thinking about a complete kitchen makeover.  Much depends on the extent of the renovation.  Are you replacing flooring and cabinetry or just counter tops and backsplash tile?  If you replace the counter tops, you’ll likely want to replace your sink and faucet as well.  Nothing makes an old sink and faucet stand out more than a new counter top!  It’s a matter of personal preference in most cases but budget usually determines the outcome.

The budget decides everything. If you’re on a small budget, you’ll have to make a few sacrifices. You need to give yourself some breathing room and establish a budget that accounts for some unexpected expenses. However, be sure to decide upon a limit that you just can’t go over.

Plan it Out

Some people approach contractors with absolutely no idea of what they want. Unfortunately, this will only delay the renovation process and lead to results that you might not like. It’s a good idea to have some inkling about what the finished product should look like. You can start putting together photographs of features and designs that you like to help act as a guide for the designers.

At Gordmay we always recommend that you call in a professional for advice on your kitchen renovations Ottawa to ensure that the results will exceed your expectations. You can contact us if you want help. Our number is 613 715 4841. You can also fill in this contact us form.

We’ve had many clients in years past that would never consider Ikea cabinetry for their kitchens but are now impressed with the new look and quality of their cabinets.  For those customers who would like to save a little on the cabinetry to spend a little more on stone counter tops, we say- go for it!  Trending designs show you can mix things up by having a different color island than the rest of your cabinets.  For that matter, you can completely omit upper cabinets in your design & adding a customized hood fan is a nice touch.  Let Gordmay Kitchen renovations Ottawa help in one of the most important decisions you’ll make on your home’s behalf!

kitchen renovation       Kitchen 4

kitchen counter tops       Joan Kitchen

Walnut Kitchen Manufactured and Installed by Gordmay Construction

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27 Providence Pl

Nepean, Ont. K2J 1N9

Ph:  613-715-4841

Email:  [email protected]

Website:  https://gordmayconstruction.ca/